söndag 6 april 2014

update, news and tour reviews!

Update, news and tour reviews!
(edit: typos. Oh, and photocredits! To Erika Strengell, Kenneth Norrlin and band member instagrams. Remind us if we forgot someone!)

Last time we forgot to mention that we've recieved a little funding that will help us record the full-lenght Vinyl! what more can we say, we're happy that someone out there read our application and decided they'll give it a go..so Craneium Full-Lenght Vinyl, hopefully at the end of this year!

Speaking of vinyl, the split we did with the awesome 3rd Trip from Helsinki is finally in our hands, and we will start taking orders for them..right about NOW! As some of you may remember in the last blogupdate..(if anyone cared to read it?) the 12"split comes with a Craneium Patch and downloadcodes for our first album! nice huh! They will only be 7 euros, pretty nice if you ask me, even cheaper than we had originally planned, well all for you who wants to buy it, the cheaper the better right?

So here is finally the artwork, and correction from last time, the photo is taken by Joels father-in-law. So credits and thanks to Mauri Nygård.

it's in black n' white, and it's got that straight outta 60's gnarly feel to it, scanned from an old photo taken during that decade.

What more is up? Hopefully a release gig in Turku as well as in Helsinki where both bands on the split will play, more info on that later when it gets clearer.

Also we've been in contact with this cool bar in Stockholm called Club Nomad. Looks like we're gonna play there in a couple of months. Same here, more info for ya'll later on.

So, lets get to the minitour we played two weeks ago.
What can we say other than it was way over our expectations. Besides having the absolute time of our lives with our friends in the awesome band Shitboot, all the gigs went great and having Axel back on bass was a blast!

3 days of playing and partying and rocking the socks off people.
If you wanna see the bands and other stuff cought on photo from that weekend check out these 3 tags on instagram: #jointforces14 #craneium #shitboot

The one we remeber best was the first gig in Jakobstad. After starting the day with van problems and taking it from the to the dirty backroads of Vörå we got there in one piece. Around 22 still not so much going on, soundchecks done..but then all of a sudden BOOM, people starts flowing in through the door.

The other two bands played very well, thx to Gangrened who joined us besides Shitboot in Jakobstad.

As we took the stage about 00.00....we were told that there was at least 160 people that had showed up.We've never played for that much people on the same gig. We must say it felt very appreciating, and we are very thankful..as it says on our cassette: without your support we are nothing! So many many big thx and we can not put this in words big enough for how happy this made us.

During the show it felt like the people sang more of our songs than we did. People took our mics and sung, they spilled beer all over the place, moshing and falling in and over us on stage. It was cool! the stage was so small so we played on the floor as only amps and the drums fitted on stage..but it was more intimate and sweaty this way, just as we like it!

to accompany this, here are some pictures:

stopped for coffe and cigarrettes, shitboot & craneium.


This one is from the second gig in Kronoby. We were very well taken care of there, mayby not the right place for us but they shure made us feel welcome! thx Bothnia bar!

Marty McFuzz

Imperial Dustin' going on!


 the whole band is seen on this one.
                      Above: the wild crowd!

Think there is some Harvestin' going on in this one.
     This last one needs no explanation..one of the finest hours we've had fuzzrockin'!

hopefully you got some insight from our tour and are as exited as us about the new vinyl and the upcoming gigs!

The last gig in tampere was more private, hanging out with the guys in Vomitrip for an hour or so was nice, just som riffin' among friends. After that destination Turku.

Overall the tour was great and it couldnt have been any better, once again big thx to everyone and please do buy our mighty fine vinyl released this week!

Bye for now, more coming soon!


torsdag 20 mars 2014

news, updates, what's fuzzing right now!

Hello, the blog is not that active...yeah we know..blog is not our kinda thang...

but hey, if there's someone reading this we thought we could make a couple of updates and stuff. since last we've gotten hold of some Craneium patches, they sell for 3€/piece, really cool to put on your jackets n such.

We are also very delighted to inform you that we have sold all of our green cassettes called "the slowerdrive tapes". Last one gets shipped today. For those of you who dont know, we've released it in its whole on youtube. You can listen to all 7 tracks.

The Slowerdrive Tapes
(U2B - link)

What other news do we have, lets see, we had our first gig this year at Portti in our hometown of Turku, Finland. The gig went well and the Craneium machinery is up and running! We played togehther with the bands Mary & The Dead and Rama Lama Fa Fa Fa, both very cool bands, I suggest you check them out! It was also very nice to see so many people come out and listen to the bands, we were really suprised by all the people who showed up, we salute you! 

we were filming the show, but we forgot to hand over the Zoom to our friends when we went on stage, damn*#"°!! hmm, pic instead: Courtesy of Mr. M.Ferarri and Mr. A.Österlund

The whole band going up in smoke!

mr. bassplayer and guitarman doing some fuzzrocking!

We are also very very exited about our next release, some of you may have allready seen what it's about. VINYL, that's right VINYL!

The vinyl will be released in about a week, it's a 12" split with the band 3rd Trip from Helsinki, they play some Fu Manhu:ish desert rock and they do it well, we are honored that they contacted us to play on the split with them. The Split will go for about 10€/piece, since we were thinking that they could include a Craneium patch aswell, that's a sweet deal if you ask me!

Anyways, the song is called "The Gnome" and it's heavy as F@*k! Really gnarly and full of fuzzy madness, even a little line from the film "satans sadist" made its way onto it. We've got a testpressing and it sounds niiice, hearing your own work/band on vinyl is something extra, fantastic, the boyhood dream! The album artwork will be posted later, but it features an old photo taken by the drummers father in the 60s if I remember it correct. More on that later!

Pic of the test pressing vinyl!

But it doesen't stop here, we have an upcoming minitour this weekend. We will play together with our good friends in Shitboot.

3 gigs, Jakobstad, Kronoby and Tammerfors. Look up the facebook event if you are interessted!


This will be very cool, we think, we've had some problems in getting the gigs, since we couldn't move the dates. That is because our bassplayer is flying in from sweden where he is studying abroad this year. But what the hell, we've got 3 gigs and we always make it count where ever we play and eventhoug the bartender would be the only one there. But most of all it will be mighty fine to play with Axel again, our last gig with him vas in june of 2013! we are happy he's joining us! very happy.

oh, the tour is called JOINT FORCES, so look out osthrobothnia, we're coming your way!

Keep your eyes open for the vinyl release, contact us on FB if you're interessted in it.

over and out// Craneium